Employment Market Information

Employment Market Information : One of the important activities of the Department includes collection, compilation and tabulation of the figures relating to the employment and unemployment situation of the State.

The information regarding the candidates includes their level and type of education, experience, level and type of technical education, mobility, category, rural/urban residence, gender etc. This information is compiled on the basis of candidates registered in the Employment Exchanges.

Regarding information about the employers, All the establishments in the public sector and selected establishments in the private sector engaged in non-agricultural activities are required to furnish regularly details about the number of persons they are employing, vacancies that have occurred therein and the type of persons they find in short supply. The information is collected from all establishments in the public sector and those employing 25 or more persons in the private sector under the provisions of the Employment Exchanges Compulsory Notification of Vacancies Act 1959 which has made it obligatory on them to render returns to the local Employment Exchange. Information from smaller establishments employing 10-24 persons in the private sector is collected on a voluntary basis.

The purpose in obtaining the information from employers is:-

  • To give Employment Officers facts to enable them to decide accurately the type of personnel who are in short supply.
  • To provide information which is needed to improve and add to the services offered by the Employment Service such as giving advise about employment prospects to those leaving schools & colleges and details about employment opportunities to persons seeking work.
  • To provide a method by which to measure continuous changes in the level of employment in an Employment Exchange area.
  • The data are also needed to watch the progress of the Five Year Plans in creating more employment.
  • The information is required for other planning & administrative purposes both at State & National levels.

Public Sector : In the public sector, employment information is obtained from all Central & State Govt. establishments, Quasi-Govt. establishments (both under Central & State Governments) and local bodies.

Private Sector : In the private sector, only employers in the non-agriculture sector are covered. Only those employing 10 or more persons have been brought under the purview of the programme.

The private sector is divided into two sections:-

  • Those employing 25 or more persons are known as Act employers.
  • Those employing 10-24 persons are known as Non-Act employers.
Documents used in collection of information
ER-I Quarterly Employment Return PDF Download (English) size(38.6 KB)
DPER-I Quarterly Employment Return in respect of disabled persons. PDF Download (English) size(43.3 KB)
DPER-II Biennial Occupation Return in respect of disabled persons. PDF Download (English) size(38.7 KB)
Last modified date : 05-05-2022
Updated On: 03/18/2025 - 08:54