History of Department

After the 2nd world war in 1945, for orderly absorption of the released service personnel and other war workers; the need for an organisation to handle this complex problem in a uniform manner was felt and in July, 1945 “Directorate General of Resettlement and Employment " was set up

In 1947, after partition of the Country this Directorate was entrusted the job of resettlement of a large number of displaced persons (refugees).

In early 1948, the Employment Exchanges were thrown open to all categories of applicants which required transition of Employment Service from a resettlement agency to an all India placement organisation.

On 1-11-1956 the day to day administration of the Employment services was handed over to the state governments. So now the Employment service is the joint concern of the Central and State Governments where the Central Government formulates national policies, standards and procedure to be followed by the Employment Exchanges in the states; coordinates the work of the Employment Exchanges in the states; plans and formulates programmes for expansion and development of the services; conducts training programmes for employment officers and other such works which are required for the betterment of these services whereas State Governments fully control the Employment Exchanges in their respective states.

In 1959 The Employment Exchanges Compulsory Notification of vacancies Act was enacted by the Parliament and after notification of its rules, it came into force from 1-5-1960. Under the provisions of the Act all the establishments in the public sector and all the establishments in the private sector normally employing 25 or more workers are required to notify their vacancies and also render quarterly and biennial returns to the Employment Exchange of their area.

Creation of new Department of Employment Generation

A new Department of Employment Generation and Training has been carved out of the Department of Labour and Employment vide Govt Notification No. 18/16/2007-GC(2)/7219 Dated 11-04-2007 and 31-07-2007 with the following main objectives:

  1. To develop a vision, strategy & policy framework for employment generation & training
    To suggest measures to derive synergy of the plans and programmes of various departments working directly or indirectly for employment generation and vocational training.
  2. To advise on institutional and organizational mechanism for effective implementation of the action plan for employment generation and the vocational training to make the youth really employable by enhancing their skills and competencies.
  3. To regularly plan, implement, monitor and oversee employment generation action plans in the State and advise on the future steps to be taken.
  4. To facilitate manpower planning and vocational training in all the key sectors of the economy.
  5. Bringing out critical gaps in various services sectors and facilitates addressing these gaps as per the requirement of the national and international market.
    To identify and advise on the regulatory aspects of job oriented training policies.
  6. Facilitate establishing more job oriented vocational institutions in the Public Private Partnership Mode in line with the requirement of skilled manpower and enhancing the capacity of the existing institutions.
  7. Harnessing the potential of various self help youth groups and educational organisations of repute.

In order to make the functioning of the Department more effective, District Bureau of Employment & Enterprises were set up in all the districts vide notification on 04-09-17.

                        The Bureaus will bring necessary synergy, oversight and effective coordination in the implementation of various schemes for employment generation, skill training, self-employment and entrepreneurship development across the departments at the district level and facilitate overseas employment to achieve the objectives of ‘GharGharRozgar’ Mission.

Functions of the Bureau

The Bureau will have the following functions:

One Stop Platform:To provide one stop platform for facilitating employment including overseas employment, skill training, self-employment, enterprise and entrepreneurship development at the district level

Coordinate and Monitor Implementation of Schemes:To coordinate with all the departments for successful implementation of relevant Central and State Government schemes and regularly monitor the same

Interface between the Job Seekers and Employers:To provide regular interface between the Job seekers and Employers through Digital Platform as well as conventional channels

Services to the Employers :To provide a variety of services to the Employers through digital platform as well as in person. It will include understanding the requirements, registering the same, arranging placement drive, and arranging skill training as per the requirement of the Employers. To ensure compliance of requirements of Persons with Disabilities Act and the Employment Exchanges (Compulsory Notification of Vacancies) Act in the district

Services to the Job Seekers :To provide a variety of services to the Job Seekers through digital platform as well as in person. It will include understanding the aspiration of the Job Seeker, registering his or her name, provide counselling, provide finishing skills, provide domain skills and assist in the placement of the Job Seeker and provide post placement support


Services for Self-Employment and Entrepreneurship:To support youth in seeking Self-Employment and other entrepreneurial ventures by providing assistance under various Central and State schemes, providing professional guidance and mentoring, linkages with Banks and other necessary support

Services for Oversees Placement :To provide necessary support to youth desiring oversees placement such as information about oversees opportunities, clearances required, skills required, counselling and other support

Coordinate with Educational Institutions:To coordinate and partner with various Educational Institutions in the district to provide necessary support to Youth for skills, employment and entrepreneurship.

Coordinate with Skill Training Agencies : To coordinate and partner with Skill Training Agencies in the District for providing skill training to the registered youth.

Facilitate Self Help Groups : To coordinate and work with various stakeholders to facilitate Self Help Groups.

Facilitate employment in Agriculture related activities :To facilitate dissemination of latest practices for Agriculture and allied activities to enable unemployed and underemployed youth interested in agriculture and allied activities find gainful employment.

Effective Implementation of Public Funded Schemes such as MNREGA:To facilitate effective implementation of public funded schemes such as MNREGA

Advertisement platform for jobs/ vacancies: To act as a digital platform wherein all jobs/vacancies of the Govt. Departments/ Organisations (contractual/outsourcing/regular) shall be publicised.

Any other related function: To coordinate, facilitate and effectively discharge any other function, which may be entrusted to the Bureau by any department or organization of the State or Central Government.

The Bureau shall have the following functional Units:

  1. Registration
  2. Counselling
  3. Placement & Post Placement
  4. Skill Development
  5. Self-Employment and Enterprise Support
  6. Information, Education and Communication
  7. Overseas Employment and Emigration
    Last modified date : 17-11-2021
    Updated On: 03/18/2025 - 08:54